
I’m Jen, a tutor following the IVA method of vocal instruction. Here you will find information regarding voice lessons tuned to your needs, FAQs to peruse, a contact page to send hesitant emails and most importantly you will find a cheerleader for your vocal adventures.


All lessons are available one-to-one, and while in-person sessions can be arranged at my studio in Melbourne, Derbyshire, the majority of lessons are conducted online via Zoom

Lessons are primarily given online which might feel a little disconcerting at first, but I promise you it is worth giving it a go as the benefits are wonderful: You can be comfortable in your own home, make significant savings on petrol/transport, and you’ll be able to access singing lessons even if you are in a difficult to reach area with a dearth of local teachers. Zoom has special ‘musician’ settings which make the lesson space comfortable, audible and easy to navigate.

Book Your Classes Now!

Explore the site, take a breath, send me an email, make a booking, begin the journey today!

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